An old dream has come true, last friday (friday the 12th of february 2010) I won an award for
I´ve secretly and not so secretly been hoping to win this for 5 years now, so going to the award show and actually getting a reward was very uhhh… rewarding. My site won in the best blog, yada, yada category. It used to be called best single person endeavor category which I could understand, I dont get the new category name.
From what I could gather there were over a hundred entries overall and then they were filtered into categories. I might ad that I also had another website I designed and set up nominated for an award. That´s the newly launched site that I havent gotten around to add to my portfolio.
I´d like to end with saying that I really like winning this. And I´m fully motivated to do it again 🙂 Plus winning a reward on you birthday is always nice. It was my 35th birthday last friday.
There are some photos from the event and of the stuff I got on flickr, be sure to have a look.
I forgot to mention that my good friend and youth golf partner, whom I beat on a regular basis, alli metall was also nominated for an award. How could I forget.
Here´s what they had to say, icelandic only for now:
Vefurinn sker sig úr fyrir áberandi leturnotkun og líflega hönnun auk þess sem efnið er skemmtilega fram sett. Innihaldið er skrifað af lipurð og einlægni þannig að maðurinn á bakvið vefinn skín vel í gegn. Vefurinn er gott dæmi um það hvernig fagmenn geta nýtt sér veraldarvefinn til að koma sér og verkum sínum á framfæri bæði á faglegan og áhrifaríkan hátt.
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